Nof Yam is located north of Herzliya Pituach, looking out onto the Mediterranean Sea, and offering quite a selection of construction projects recently built on its land. The Nof Yam neighbourhood, one of the best known neighbourhoods of Herzliya, offers simple and easy access to the coastal highway and nearby cities, as well as an environment that is hard to find in the big central cities. In Nof Yam, considered a well-established neighbourhood, young families live alongside middle-aged households, together with those who came to it to enjoy the ocean and the proximity to exclusive neighborhoods surrounding it that offer a high quality of life.
History and General Background
The story of the Nof Yam neighbourhood begins in 1946, when the neighbourhood was established by members of Neveh Oved, with the hope to settle the area with Jewish residents, and to develop it while taking into consideration its environmental conditions. The Nof Yam neighbourhood, which borders on the abandoned Arab village Al-Haram, underwent more than a few changes over the years, and even a large explosion in one of the factories located within it – the blast of 1992 – which left tremendous damage and number of casualties. In the period of the British Mandate, the neighbourhood was the location of a British police station, whose main purpose was to discover illegal Jewish immigration boats trying to reach the shores of then-Palestine. The police station was blown up by Hagana members, and after a number of decades renovated and turned into a well-known rehabilitation center for juvenile delinquents. Over the years, many residential buildings were added to the neighbourhood of Nof Yam, and from a small and relatively simple neighbourhood, it has become a magnificent community with quite a few extravagant, luxury homes.
Characteristics of the Local Population
As it contains large construction projects, and more than a few quite luxurious villas, the Nof Yam neighbourhood attracts many families and residents from all over Israel who are interested in high quality of living. Some of the Nof Yam residents belong to the upper socioeconomic class. These residents reside in the southern portion of the neighbourhood adjacent to Herzliya Pituach. The northern portion of Nof Yam, which in the past was a Ma’abara immigrant camp, is home to a lower socioeconomic class, some of whom are Ultra-Orthodox Jews, while others are extremely elderly, having lived in the neighbourhood for many decades. The great influx of residents to Nof Yam is part of the many changes taking place, and little by little turning it into an exclusive neighbourhood in Herzliya. There is still a ways to go, but already today one can see the neighbourhood growing in that direction.
Schools and Preschools
Thanks to its proximity to Herzliya Pituach, the children of the neighbourhood enjoy a selection of schools and preschools within a relatively short distance. Along with the municipal preschools, there are private preschools, which service a broad range of ages, providing solutions for young families who have just recently moved into the Nof Yam neighbourhood. The Nof Yam elementary school located in the neighbourhood is one of its best known schools. Other schools include the nearby Weizmann School, and the Kfar Shemaryahu – Rishpon elementary school.
Parks and Interesting Sites
Due to its history as one of the oldest neighbourhoods, one can find in Nof Yam many signs of its historical character. The Apollonia National Park attracts many visitors and has two special walking trails, one of them along a cliff side. Within this national park there is a Roman villa, built between the first and second century CE. Not far from it, is a Crusader fortress, providing a magnificent observation point from an elevation of 30 meters, considered one of the nicest observation points in the coastal region. The fact that this is an old neighbourhood that is succeeding in maintaining its character while integrating innovative, extreme luxury buildings, makes Nof Yam a very desired neighbourhood. When all of this is combined with the nearby ocean, and the wonderful beaches of the area, it is no wonder the Nof Yam has been experiencing a significant wave of building recently.